
It is possible to make good money tremendously with trading forex, stocks, and even alternative investments linked to wine and land. However, it must be noted that money (your savings) can be lost to scams, fraud, inexperience, emotions and stupidity. One good reason that with all the knowlegde that i have and i am still not rich or a millionaire is probably due to stupidity and inexperience. Profits need discipline to lock in and earning should be done in modesty. It is not the knowlegde that counts, it is the experience. Let us all make a living out of trading and learn to earn ourselves the luxury that we all deserves, just because we dare try.

Mar 29, 2008

Coping with Financial Mistakes and Setbacks

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how does a person cope with finiacial mistakes and setbacks?

i guess if anyone decides to take a stop into the investing world, he or she has to be prepared to part with their hard earned money someway or another.

no investment is safe in this world. even if u leave your money in the bank, the bank can collaspe somehow and take your life saving with it. THAT is why it is not even recommended to put all your savings with a single bank.

there is nothing 100% safe out there in the finacial world, somebody's profit is another lost.

remember this.

i like to take money out of these people's pocket. =)


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